Golly! Christmas is on Thursday! I know this is my first blog of December but I will make it up to you in the new year. Things in life, as you all know, can be a bit crazy. That is what things have been like. Amongst the business of school and trying to catch up with myself I kind of lost my head a bit. I am back and feeling very good again!
I recently started using Genius on iTunes! It is amazing quite frankly! You probably already know this but I never paid it any mind. Now I actually know what's good on my iTunes! Yeah!
Sadly, I am not in the Christmas spirit but I'm sure as the day slowly approaches I will be. I wont be home to see the joy in my little sister's eyes when she opens her gifts. I will be working. I think Santa is giving me hours at my job for Christmas. That's all I want, and The Office Season 4 on DVD. See, I don't ask for much! I didn't buy any gifts this year...hold on, hold on...I will give you the reasons.
1. Times are hard.
2. I buy gifts every other year and this one year, I'm just not doing it.
Those are the only reasons. I will figure some other things out and let you know what I come up with. No, seriously I'm trying to save money. Everyone should understand that, and Christmas didn't make the cut this year. Next year will be much much better. I'm sure!