Happy New Year everyone!!! Finally, 2008 is over and things are starting out better than ever. Amongst all of the lessons I've learned in 2008 I can honestly say I will not miss it. I've never been more happy to see a new year. Of course, we have a new president taking office which is great news! I've been doing a lot of changing on the outside of my life like painting my house with a brand new amazing coat. Treating people better, making plans for my future, you know, a new bright and shiny color. New Years resolutions are just as effective as you make them. There's no such thing as new years magic, or a new year super change everything button. Make plans...execute! I spent New Years Eve surrounded by the people who matter to me, people who I wouldn't mind spending the year with. It was awesome! I saw a lot of family and it reminded me of how many reasons there are for me to be happy. I know that this happiness thing gets repetitive in my posts but I'm sure of how easy it is for people to fall off the bandwagon just by one negative thought. Coming here should be a reminder for you to always choose happiness no matter what...because I mean why not?
If you haven't already written down your new years resolution, stop reading this post and go grab an unused notebook, piece of scrap paper, back of an envelope and write, write, write! Keep it some place where you will see it, or glance at it and I promise you that these things will manifest. I must admit that my list has gotten pretty ridiculous over the years, now to 210, but number 1. I've been writing it for two years and number 2. there are more things crossed off than not so...you tell me if it's effective. Hey it's up to you!
To totally go off topic:

I started watching 30 Rock today. It's hard for me to start watching a show and actually get into it but 30 Rock is hilarious! I got tired of people telling me how funny it is and saying I'm eventually going to watch it. I'm only still on the first season but I'm pretty deep in. If you haven't already watched you probably should! If you have netflix you can watch it instantly, it's worth it trust me!!
So, make your list and on that list put choose happiness, and watch 30 Rock!
Ciao for now!
I hope you are able to manifest your resolutions! I'm not really one for new years resolutions but I can see the value in them, I think a lot of people tend to believe that just because they write down something on paper that it will happen, which is obviously not true, but still It's a start. Thanks for the post!
I think writing it down helps you realize and further reach your goals. You're right there is no magic. We have to make things happen for ourselves!
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