I am in love with film, and I don't spend any time talking about it here! That really doesn't make any sense! Right? I see so many great films with the help of Netflix and my wonderful friends and all of their recommendations. Oh, by the way, if you don't have Netflix, go sign up RIGHT NOW! That is if you love movies as much I do. hehehe
I wanted to take the time to list a few amazing movies (New and Old) that you absolutely should see. Why? Because I said so!!

1. Punishment Park (1971) - Directed by Peter Watkins, if you love liberals expressing their right being freedom of speech but getting shot dead for it...then you've come to the right place. It's a pseudo documentary that will absolutely blow your mind. A really good friend recommended this one to me. I bought it, shortly after watching it from Netflix.

2. Persona (1966)- If you aren't already an Ingmar Bergman fan then you will be after you watch this film! It's so good, plain and simple. The thing is, it's visually amazing and that completely makes up for the little dialogue. The dialogue is amazing too, as well as the plot. LOOK! You can't beat this deal. Watch it!

3. The Holy Mountain (1973)- Oh my! I just watched this film the other day and I have never seen anything, ANYTHING that visually pleasing. I wont say anymore. Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Yes, it's a strange film, BUT you wont regret watching it! I promise... (WARNING: Extremely Psychedelic)

4. Umberto D. (1952)- Directed by one of my favorites Vittorio De Sica. This film will tear your emotions to pieces. I guarantee you will fall in love with this or these characters but the plot is nothing elaborate. It's very simple but it is such a beautiful story, and visually amazing. The acting is incredible and I don't really see acting like this anymore. Hey, maybe it's out there but I haven't seen it. If you see it let me know. (Right after you watch this film).

5. Darjeeling Limited (2007)- Get to know Wes Anderson, if you already haven't. This film of his in specific is really touching to me. The journey of three brothers, in grief and bonding and the colors are awesome. Set in India, majority of the film is on a train. I'm going to own this one soon!
SPOILER ALERT: These films are amazing...so go...and watch them!
Also the Yeah Yeah Yeah's new album It's Blitz! Is kind of amazing...I'm just saying.
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