MMMMM Spring! I can feel it, feel it arriving! It's everywhere...I feel the love! I am so sorry it has been so long but I have been doing a million things at one time.
I am actually ready for this new weather and so excited to finally wear dresses again and flats and take off the heavy coats and knitted scarves. Scarves I love you, but I need space!
Things are looking up. I've been doing a tiny bit of traveling here and there and back and forth from school, work, making music. My motto for this year is EAT SLEEP WRITE...feel free to put anything where I put write. I just have a lot of ideas and next week is my spring break so I'm going to take time to myself and get creating. Creating for my band Oak Oak Okay which is definitely back in full gear come spring! I am so excited!
I've been a bit concerned though...here it comes...Everyone knows our economy is pretty bad right now but honestly I cannot understand why so many ads think they are consoling us by putting comforting words in their slogans whilst selling us their product. I understand you want us to start spending money again but honestly, that's the last thing I want to see right now. Nice thought, but... Take some of that money and donate it to someone who lost their house or organization keeping people in their homes...advertise that!
Sorry just venting...
I miss this! I promise to write more...I love you all.
Spring forward!
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