Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Inspiration Nation + Lazy Weekdays

Soo...my spring break was hardly a break. I worked a bunch which is a good thing. I got to see so many wonderful people who I rarely get to see and that is always a plus. I only wish I could have gotten more writing done which ultimately was the plan but the plan was compromised by sleeping and hanging out. It was Lazy Sunday continuing...and for some odd reason I just was not inspired. I sat down at my computer and attempted to make a cool beat or a neat hook for a new song but I fell flat. Just a little case of writers block I guess. I need to find something to inspire a spark in my mind. I really want to make something completely fresh and brave. What shall I do?!

Maybe I need to do something that I have never done before...like go sky diving, bake a cake, start a revolution. It really doesn't matter. I need to get new ideas flying around in this big ol' head of mine. Any suggestions?


Luke said...

I find that sometimes thinking too much can cause writers block, maybe try thinking simple and basic to start and then let the ideas flow from there.

Attia Taylor said...

Hey maybe I will try that. Back to basics! Thanks Luke!
