APRIL ENDS TODAY! I personally think April is a very beautiful and interesting month. It's very rainy and very warm. It's kind of like the threshold into warmer and brighter days. When most people think of April they think ugh rain...and celebrate Easter which is awesome but there are magnificent qualities in a month like this. It's completely under rated so I'm going to take the time to share all of the wonderful facts about April!
1. April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month
2. National Poetry Month
3. Jazz Appreciation Month (Jazz I like!)
4. Buddha's Birthday- April 8th
5. EARTH DAY!!- April 22nd
6. Take our Sons and Daughters to Work Day!
7. World Health Day-April 7th
8. April 13th is Thai New Year in Thailand and Khmer New Year in Cambodia
9. April Fools Day! (Gotcha!)
10. World Autism Awareness Day! April 2nd
Happy Birthday to all you April babies...I hope everyone had a wonderful month and get ready for May flowers!