Okay so while I was blog surfing and realizing that's all I do anymore, I came across this really hilarious and crazy website called Awkward Family Photos. I seriously eat this kind of stuff up when I'm at home... There's Eating, Youtube, Sleeping, and hilarious websites... you can add in music making to that (If you call banging on garbage cans with spoons making music). Everything about that website makes me want to cry tears of joy. We all have awkward family photos and the thought that someone made a website from that concept is pure genius! Thank you!!
Also, this is completely different from the awkward family photos but someone recently sent me a throwback music video! The Cardigans will forever hold a place in my heart. I listen to "Love Fool" faithfully... anyway I love their outfits and the all around vintage style of this video! Plus the song is really SWEET! I need for you to see this!
The Bird and The Bee have a video similar to this style for their song "La La La" from their first self titled album. Directed by Bryan Law. I love the song and the video just reminds me of how much I wish I existed in the 70's. Hooray for vintage styled music videos!