Wow it's been forever! I have been day in and day out working hard! What is all of this about? It's a good thing that you don't need your voice to type blogs because my voice is gone. I'm on the road of recovery as we speak. I have to say, I kind of like my raspy voice. Its gives me edge! HA!
So I recently went to see Fleet Foxes at Starlight Ballroom and Damien Jarudo at The First Unitarian Church. I must say that they both were really amazing. Fleet Foxes put on a fantastic show. My favorite part, I'll have to say, was the harmonizing. OF COURSE! They are masters! The music in itself was seriously quality and if they come to Philly again...IM THERE!!!! Frank Fairfield opened for them and he is a skilled musician. I promise this! He really got into it and demanded attention. This guy played a different instrument for every song and made it sound amazing! Definitely check out his music if you like!
The Damien Jurado show was just as explosive! No...not so much explosive because it was really low key and perfect. The music was seriously mellow but it made me want to cry, run out of there and buy the album. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, thanks to the most amazing friend of my life Tokiea Fitzgerald. We almost didn't get in but fortunately for us we did because it was most worth it. I had never heard of this music before but it had a sort of ambient feel to it which sounded great!
Do check it out...I recommend...As I shall purchase the CD soon enough!!
Well folks I'm through reporting. I hope this music cures your daily woes and aches, music is the best cure for anything... That may only be in my case! Ciao for now!
Yours Truly,
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