What's all the commotion? So right now I have been thinking about what's new in my life...All the new things the universe has provided me with. The sweet sweet universe. I've been receiving new music, writing new songs, Maura the Oak Oak Okay keyboardist got a new keyboard, my friend Tokiea has new hair (or lack there of teehee), Im voting for a new president...and I'm sure there are other new things. This new weather ugh...I think my sister kind of brought this weather upon us...
Sharky: "It hasn't rained in a while."
Tia: "Wait, you want it to rain?"
Sharky: "I want to wear my new rain boots"
Stupid galoshes! Well, she got to wear them for the first time today and it sure did rain alright. It even snowed. In OCTOBER! Not to mention, it's October 28th and I still haven't had any candy corn. That could be good and bad. When will I be in Candy Corn Nation? That will be my new blog. he he
I will surely have some before this month is over. No doubt...The time is ticking!!
So, I have this new attitude! I'm always happy with my occasional off days, but I recently had a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and now I feel free again. My birthday is in 1 month exactly, so you know what that means...BIRTHDAY CAKE! Oh yeah, do that dance, do that dance. *Does a ridiculous dance* C'mon people what could be more important in Birthday Cake Nation? So I have a new year to look forward to, with new adventures, and a new outlook. I could use a new boyfriend, did I say that out loud. Oh, I think I did... *Raises eyebrows twice*
Winter I can feel you, I can feel you in my bones. Renew my heart, renew my soul!
I love you guys! Also the election is quickly approaching so if you havent done your early voting or have to wait until Tuesday, Barack the Vote!
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