*ROAR* 7AM is early! Gosh it's really early. I often question why that time of day even exists. It's really uneccessary. I want to skip right over that time so I can not ever wake up in the middle of my great dream and get freaked out by my silly alarm clock...It goes "Again and Again and Again and Again...Do it Again do it Again" I hear that over and over! Remind me again why I purchased that ringtone. Great song...bad wake up call. *YAWN*
It takes a lot for me to crawl out of bed every morning and smile. I've been struggling with my own idea's of self discipline. I tried this experiment where I deprived myself of all of my old jams and forced myself to listen to music that I usually pass up. To my surprise I did okay...No shaking or crying involved. I thought this would help me gain a lot of self discipline and not rely so much on comfort. Throughout this journey, a friend reminded me that self discipline has nothing to do with depriving yourself of something, or taking a vow of silence, or depriving yourself of food.. It's about will. The will to get up every morning at 5AM for a class, or to feed the baby. The will to take care of your sick grandmother when noone else wants to. The list goes on. At that moment I realized how much self discipline I already posses. I also know that all my hard work will eventually pay off. Although I have my daily struggles, life is actually really swell! I most certainly appluad the little things that people have the will to do to make this world go 'round. It makes me want to cry. *Wipes Tears, Blows Nose*
So, on my way to the train I happened to pass women on the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk. It kind of hit home for me. These women, adorned with pink, passed by me with the will to walk for a cause. Took the time out of their busy lives to help the life of another! GEESE LOUISE!! That's where we see beautiful character in everyday people.
If you want to learn more about this extraordinary cause check it out!!!!!:
What I want to do right now is write a song, full of la's and da's because I am extraordinary!! woohoo...
tia. my love. takin a vow doesn't magically make u stronger. the pain and anxiety u deal with once u've taken it is apart of the growth process. if u took a vow because u thought it would bring u smthg worthwhil w/o it being really hard, then ur doing it for the wrong reason. really examine wut u do and y. thats the point.
moreover, all of the things u listed come from doing smthg u dont have a choice in ding. u r doing this by choice. know that this results in different things.
dont martyr urself. thats not the road to salvation.
this is tokiea btw. i just dont wanna sign in. to lazy.
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