Today I realized that I spend way too much time listening to music rather than my immediate surroundings. I finally decided to take off my headphones while I walk home from the train and surprisingly the outside noise isn't so bad afterall. At one point I didnt even know if I had passed my street because I noticed new things that I have never seen before on the way! WOW!! We all probably need to just spend more time listening and realizing what we have right in front of us. Our world is much more beautiful than we give it credit for. Some things I noticed:
1. The train is loud!
2. Theres an awesome tree on my street that is just dying to be photographed.
3. People probably greet me all the time, I just never notice.
4. My mom says unneccessary things to me (which can be a downside to this hehe)
So as much as I am loving PJ Harvey today...she can be placed on pause because the things that happen around me are only going to happen just that one second or nanosecond.
Gosh...Im starting to tear up!
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