Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Sun shines in June too!

So it's June! In BCN and in the real world. The sun is shining and I hope everyone had a marvelous Memorial Day! I had to work but that is okay... because money is important for my survival. May was a fantastic month and I feel like June will be even better. Lets be optimistic this month! I will be filling Birthday Cake Nation with Sunshine and optimism. Look here for a laugh or a smile if you are feeling blue! Also feel free to spread the sunshine at birthdaycakenation@gmail.com. I love to spread joy!!!

Yours Truly,

P.S. My grandpa's birthday is June 23rd so guess what? Birthday cake for me!! He's turning 86! (I know) 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Life is Awkward

Okay so while I was blog surfing and realizing that's all I do anymore, I came across this really hilarious and crazy website called Awkward Family Photos. I seriously eat this kind of stuff up when I'm at home... There's Eating, Youtube, Sleeping, and hilarious websites... you can add in music making to that (If you call banging on garbage cans with spoons making music). Everything about that website makes me want to cry tears of joy. We all have awkward family photos and the thought that someone made a website from that concept is pure genius! Thank you!!

Also, this is completely different from the awkward family photos but someone recently sent me a throwback music video! The Cardigans will forever hold a place in my heart. I listen to "Love Fool" faithfully... anyway I love their outfits and the all around vintage style of this video! Plus the song is really SWEET! I need for you to see this! 

The Bird and The Bee have a video similar to this style for their song "La La La" from their first self titled album. Directed by Bryan Law. I love the song and the video just reminds me of how much I wish I existed in the 70's. Hooray for vintage styled music videos!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

June 7th: Girls Rock Philly Silent Auction

The Silent Auction is coming! Girls Rock Philly is hosting their Silent Auction on June 7th! Guess what? Yours truly is performing! Nice...Right?! I am excited to play alongside Frisky or Trusty, Kitten Disaster, Nora Whittaker, The Lopez and Victor Victor Band! This year is going to be awesome! Last year my band Oak Oak Okay played and this year Im playing some of my solo work so it should be interesting to see the reaction. 

The event just got a front page mention on SouthStreet.com which is pretty cool! To check out my music... Click Here!!

The event is at 117 South Street in Philly! From 2-5! Please come out and have a blast!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tonight's Today

Well this video blew me away! It's from Jack Peñate's new single Tonight's Today! I love this... Check it out!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First Person America

   We all know how hard it is to stay afloat in this economy, with the rising prices, unemployment, and the loss of homes. Everything seems very, well, down. The best thing to cure our economic woes and blows would be none other than entertainment and art! You know like during the Great Depression! This art in specific is documenting the state we are in! It sounds awesome and very inspiring. 

First Person Arts  is hosting a national competition in search of the best photography, videos, and stories documenting our everyday struggles and hardships in this breaking and baking economy. If you are an artist (which I'm sure you are, those are the only people I seem to know anymore), then I think you should consider opening up your creative cavity and entering yourself into this competition!!

I wont lie, I am very excited to see the results of this competition because I would just love to see the artistic take on this situation. We are fed a lot of information on television and the internet but how are we seeing it? I'm also considering entering this competition, not with video but photography. I've been trying my hand at it and you know I think I'm starting to really like it! Yes, I am a person very much affected by this financial crisis. So it only makes sense! Artist...Crisis...hehe

Enough about me, c'mon people, lets get original and creative! 

Writing submissions – up to 2,500 words.
Film and video submissions – up to five minutes, excluding credits.
Photography submissions - may include up to five photographs, with or without accompanying text of up to 100 words per image.

Submission deadline: June 30, 2009
For more info on this matter, check out http://firstpersonamerica.org/
You know you want to!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yesterday, I trekked downtown with my bud and went to see that new movie Tokyo!. I walked into The Ritz eager to see Michel Gondry's work (as he is my favorite director). I was not a huge fan of Be Kind Rewind and Science of Sleep did not quite pull me in with it's story line so I was bit skeptical about going to see this.

Not only did Michel Gondry do a spectacular job but the other two directors really impressed me. I was so enticed by the shots, the storylines, the actors, the sets, and the graphics. Way to go guys!! 

INTERIOR DESIGN - directed by Michel Gondry 
With: Ayako Fujitani, Ryo Kase, Ayumi Ito.

MERDE - directed by Leos Carax
With: Denis Lavant, Jean-Francois Balmer, Renji Ishibashi.

SHAKING TOKYO - directed by Bong Joon-Ho
With: Teruyuki Kagawa, Yu Aoi, Naoto Takenaka.

Tokyo! displays love, mischief, and a sense of belonging in a peculiar yet booming and beautiful city. It takes three perspectives on the culture and sense of humanity that takes place in Japan. The three films take you into the personal lives of ordinary or not so ordinary people and captures your heart whilst displaying the beauty of a place called Tokyo.
The characters are well developed in each film and often times leave you on the edge of your seat. Tokyo! was creative and the ideas and concepts were developed to perfection!

I recommend you go see this movie before it is out of theaters. I loved it! I will probably go see it again...thats just me. Until then, you enjoy your spring weather and stay out of the rain! Ciao for now...


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fashion Comes To Life

Fashion! Isn't it wonderful! Isn't it amazing! I'm in love with it. I stumbled across an old friend recently who failed to mention he was in fashion school! I was very upset that he never told me that. If he would have, he would have known that I am secretly crazy about it. Further more, my friend Daimon is very very talented and I thought I'd give him a little love!

Daimon Jerrick Ramon Arrington

After graduating Granville Charter School (in Trenton, NJ), Daimon moved to Philadelphia, PA to attend Girard College High School where his passion for fashion came to life. After struggling with his choice of college, he decided to follow his dream of becoming a fashion designer. He then enrolled in the Art Institute of Philadelphia where he is now a sophomore. Not only is he a student, he holds a position with great regards in sales at Urban Outfitters.

Currently, Daimon Arrington is designing for his label Jerri Ramon he is also a personal shopper, seamstress, designer, patternmaker, and stylist. Daimon is currently seeking potential internships in design in the Phialdelphia and New York area. He is inspired by some of the greatest designers like Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, D Squared, Bill Blass, Christian Siriano, and Tom Ford.

Daimon plans on building his experience within the industry by working as a designer. He is opened to doing fashion work so for any inquiries or more information:

email: daimonarrington@gmail.com
email: dda181@stu.aii.edu

Monday, May 4, 2009

Girls Rock Philly and Music + Mentorship

Girls Rock Philly and Music + Mentorship are hosting a gear drive! May 23rd go out and show your support for both of these amazing programs! It's 21+ and if you donate an instrument you get in for free!!! C'mon, now thats the sweetest deal ever! Its being held at Johnny Brendas (www.JohnnyBrendas.com) Starting this year with a bang! For more information check out:



Plus check out the sweeeet bands playing that night! It's a sure treat! NO DOUBT!





Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers

APRIL ENDS TODAY! I personally think April is a very beautiful and interesting month. It's very rainy and very warm. It's kind of like the threshold into warmer and brighter days. When most people think of April they think ugh rain...and celebrate Easter which is awesome but there are magnificent qualities in a month like this. It's completely under rated so I'm going to take the time to share all of the wonderful facts about April!

1. April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month

2. National Poetry Month

3. Jazz Appreciation Month (Jazz I like!)

4. Buddha's Birthday- April 8th

5. EARTH DAY!!- April 22nd

6. Take our Sons and Daughters to Work Day!

7. World Health Day-April 7th

8. April 13th is Thai New Year in Thailand and Khmer New Year in Cambodia

9. April Fools Day! (Gotcha!)

10. World Autism Awareness Day! April 2nd

Happy Birthday to all you April babies...I hope everyone had a wonderful month and get ready for May flowers!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time Traveling

I've been thinking. Thinking about music and how important it is on our cognitive and what it does to us mentally. What I really like is the way it massages my senses and flares my nostalgia.

The best way to enjoy nostalgia, if you enjoy it at all, is to listen to songs that remind you of the past. What made me think of this was yesterday. Let me explain...Yesterday, I had to work and before I got into work I decided to listen to a playlist I made early last summer. While it was a tough summer, a lot happened for me. I started the very job I was walking into. Listening to that playlist took me back to last summer. The plot thickens! I was so in tune with the past that I put in the old door code from last summer and I could even smell the smells inside of the break room. I felt as if I had time traveled to July 2008. It was a really incredible feeling. In a sense the playlist is a time capsule. Bottling up the past and when I am ready to dig it up I can feel the feelings I felt at one specific time in my life.

Next time you listen to throwback jams, emerge yourself into the scene and enjoy that blast from the past. Whether it reminds you of that specific love interest that had you in love for like a week and you only listened to one song *Tear*, or maybe there was a really amazing time in your life you would love to relive. Do it with a song!! Some people like to do their childhood...not me specifically but whatever floats your boat.

All I am saying is, music can be more than just entertainment in the car, or a nice beat at the party. It should evoke feelings of pain, love, nostalgia, all of the above! Get your groove on!

Your Dancing Queen,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Will Be Spring


Here I am, in Maryland, enjoying delicious crabs and wonderful family. Enjoying the warm weather! It feels good to get out of town. This is the second weekend in a row. Sisterhood of the Traveling Attia. Like the movie..with the pants! No? okay... Seriously, I feel pretty good. I have so much work to do as it is the end of an amazing semester but I can't help but feel happy because the sun is shining so bright. It feels like this has been the longest winter. It started in November and it has been freezing ever since. I just want the warm weather to stay! Even though I'm a little afraid of bumble bees, its comforting to see them buzzing around me on a day like today. They are enjoying the sunshine as I am. Bzzz...(Im buzzing)
Enjoy this change in weather. The winter makes me appreciate it to the fullest extent. Soon, it will be May and every color will bloom into existence in our gardens, in our forests, in our souls, and in our lives. Just a few more days of the rainy month and there you have it. A sense of city, country, or sea wherever you are. I am going to make me a sunshine playlist. This playlist will be full of happy songs and sunshine tunes! Hooray for the spring time!

Peace and Love,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Get me out of here!

Hello my people...

I have a test tomorrow. I am ready. Maybe...How can we ever know if we are ready or not? In a test or life at all. I really want to travel. I've been fighting with myself trying to figure out what is stopping me. School, work, money! All of these things. Life is short. I have to go. It will drive me insane. I am going to Pittsburgh this weekend. That's the end of this post.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Yesterday I saw a rainbow...It was AMAZING!

Yesterday I was verbally abused at my job...it was HORRIFYING!

I wont let that get me down! When people don't have such good days they like to take it out on the cute front desk lady at the hotel. Oh my life! This guy was totally insane on the phone. Luckily, I don't let things like that get to me. The best part was that I got to see a rainbow!! It gave me the chills when I looked outside and saw the array of colors neatly aligned in the sky. I love when it rains and the sun is shining. It makes me feel serene like everything will be okay. Which it will!

I have to say, things haven't been the easiest lately but seeing things like rainbows and rain in the sunshine makes me feel like I will be alright some how. No matter who threatens me or hates me for giving them wrong directions to the hotel, I can still smile and say "Hey, it's April! Life is beautiful!"

Something you need to know...Lately I have been dancing at the train stop. It's so much fun and even though people stare at me and think I'm strange...it is so so so rewarding! It cheers me up in the sourest of moods. I mean I don't do full out dance routines but if my favorite song comes on, I don't hesitate to groove! You should try it anyhow...

Enjoy your Rain in the Sunshine!!

photo by: Calvin Jones

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Inspiration Nation + Lazy Weekdays

Soo...my spring break was hardly a break. I worked a bunch which is a good thing. I got to see so many wonderful people who I rarely get to see and that is always a plus. I only wish I could have gotten more writing done which ultimately was the plan but the plan was compromised by sleeping and hanging out. It was Lazy Sunday continuing...and for some odd reason I just was not inspired. I sat down at my computer and attempted to make a cool beat or a neat hook for a new song but I fell flat. Just a little case of writers block I guess. I need to find something to inspire a spark in my mind. I really want to make something completely fresh and brave. What shall I do?!

Maybe I need to do something that I have never done before...like go sky diving, bake a cake, start a revolution. It really doesn't matter. I need to get new ideas flying around in this big ol' head of mine. Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Movie Madness

I am in love with film, and I don't spend any time talking about it here! That really doesn't make any sense! Right? I see so many great films with the help of Netflix and my wonderful friends and all of their recommendations. Oh, by the way, if you don't have Netflix, go sign up RIGHT NOW! That is if you love movies as much I do. hehehe

I wanted to take the time to list a few amazing movies (New and Old) that you absolutely should see. Why? Because I said so!!

1. Punishment Park (1971) - Directed by Peter Watkins, if you love liberals expressing their right being freedom of speech but getting shot dead for it...then you've come to the right place. It's a pseudo documentary that will absolutely blow your mind. A really good friend recommended this one to me. I bought it, shortly after watching it from Netflix.

2. Persona (1966)- If you aren't already an Ingmar Bergman fan then you will be after you watch this film! It's so good, plain and simple. The thing is, it's visually amazing and that completely makes up for the little dialogue. The dialogue is amazing too, as well as the plot. LOOK! You can't beat this deal. Watch it!

3. The Holy Mountain (1973)- Oh my! I just watched this film the other day and I have never seen anything, ANYTHING that visually pleasing. I wont say anymore. Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Yes, it's a strange film, BUT you wont regret watching it! I promise... (WARNING: Extremely Psychedelic)

4. Umberto D. (1952)- Directed by one of my favorites Vittorio De Sica. This film will tear your emotions to pieces. I guarantee you will fall in love with this or these characters but the plot is nothing elaborate. It's very simple but it is such a beautiful story, and visually amazing. The acting is incredible and I don't really see acting like this anymore. Hey, maybe it's out there but I haven't seen it. If you see it let me know. (Right after you watch this film).

5. Darjeeling Limited (2007)- Get to know Wes Anderson, if you already haven't. This film of his in specific is really touching to me. The journey of three brothers, in grief and bonding and the colors are awesome. Set in India, majority of the film is on a train. I'm going to own this one soon!

SPOILER ALERT: These films are amazing...so go...and watch them!

Also the Yeah Yeah Yeah's new album It's Blitz! Is kind of amazing...I'm just saying.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Forward

MMMMM Spring! I can feel it, feel it arriving! It's everywhere...I feel the love! I am so sorry it has been so long but I have been doing a million things at one time.

I am actually ready for this new weather and so excited to finally wear dresses again and flats and take off the heavy coats and knitted scarves. Scarves I love you, but I need space!
Things are looking up. I've been doing a tiny bit of traveling here and there and back and forth from school, work, making music. My motto for this year is EAT SLEEP WRITE...feel free to put anything where I put write. I just have a lot of ideas and next week is my spring break so I'm going to take time to myself and get creating. Creating for my band Oak Oak Okay which is definitely back in full gear come spring! I am so excited!

I've been a bit concerned though...here it comes...Everyone knows our economy is pretty bad right now but honestly I cannot understand why so many ads think they are consoling us by putting comforting words in their slogans whilst selling us their product. I understand you want us to start spending money again but honestly, that's the last thing I want to see right now. Nice thought, but... Take some of that money and donate it to someone who lost their house or organization keeping people in their homes...advertise that!
Sorry just venting...

I miss this! I promise to write more...I love you all.

Spring forward!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine Smalentine!!

mmmm Water! It's so good for you! It does so many things and it tastes so good! Why am I talking about water you ask? Well for a whole month now the only beverage I have consumed is water and I think I have developed super powers from it! I don't know...
According to WebMD drinking water:
1. Helps your organs work better.

2. Helps to excrete toxins.

3. Reduces Food intake, helping you lose weight.

4. Improves your skin tone.

5. Wards off headaches.

Those are just a few things but there are endless amazing effects that water places on your body! So, I'm not saying stop drinking everything and stick to water. I'm saying replace that morning cup of gingerale YOU KNOW you shouldn't be drinking that early with a refreshing glass of icy water! It just makes everything okay...

To completely change the subject...

Dude it's Valentines Day! The most jacked up holiday ever! Love is awesome but it should be celebrated everyday! Also St. Valentine...you're awesome but seriously did you really deserve a whole holiday? I mean people spend tons of money and time on this day and they don't even get off work or receive extra pay. Cut the crap! No...Its a really cute holiday and while it is adorable I don't think it should be as serious as it is. I want to love you everyday! Plus flowers and candy can't buy my love...nope...not even a teddy bear! Come again!

I'm not really feeling that well this Valentines day. I have a sore throat! Cupid will you cure this sore throat? Will you sprinkle some dusty love stuff on it? Oh, damn you just shoot arrows. Sucks to be me...


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaweguration! + Win Win Win

So I'm sure everyone knows that Barack Obama is now our 44th president as of a little over an hour ago! This year is really looking up so far. I'm just hoping we can all unite for one common cause! CHANGE! The whole thing is extremely moving, even for younger people who may not understand the magnitude. I am certain that they can feel the movement and the change we have seen and the change we are about to see in our wonderful nation. This is really something!

On another note I have finished my project and I am very proud of myself. I had a goal in mind and I successfully completed that goal! I made 11 songs in a little less than two weeks and they are all songs I am proud to say I composed. This journey was really about self discipline.I'm usually the one to have one rough night and throw the whole thing away (believe me there were rough nights). I mainly wanted to try my hand at completing a project and sticking with it. That was one of my new year resolutions and I feel grateful to be able to complete and conquer something like that on a personal level. I feel like a strong person is one who is self disciplined with ethics, and moral values. This is what I strive for in my everyday life! I also love making music! Win Win Win! Check out my video!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Clap Your Hands!

Today it snowed. Its pretty cold and if you could see my face, you'd say "Gosh! She looks beat!" and I am. A song a day takes a lot out of you, not to mention that I've been out and about all week. All the while, I'm still here, and I still feel good about things. My vacation has been quite swell. My hair is everywhere and today I chose not to wear my contacts and look like geeky T. Atleast thats what I was called in highschool. It didn't stick though, thankfully.
I miss a boat load of people and wish so much they were here to watch movies and drink hot chocolate (water) with me. Tomorrow I get to hang out with DJ Sassafrass and have a Knitting/Music/Dance party. I am very excited! If you are back in school, still on break, working, or whatever you're doing just have yourself a Knitting/Music/Dance party. Theres a 100% chance you will feel 100% better about life! I tell no lies. Don't forget to clap your hands!

Also I recently saw Slumdog Millionaire and Revolutionary Road. They both were amazing in different ways. That's all I will say. Go see them! NOW!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Moon Cruise

As I sit here listening to Sufjan Stevens, I feel very calm. Very very calm. This past few days I have been recording songs on my computer at about 2 AM and 3 AM. So far I have 4 songs, because it's been 4 days. A song a day. I only plan on letting friends hear it, well because it's just a side project and the quality is not nearly as great as I'd wish. It's been a pretty exciting adventure though. I had no idea that I could actually do this in such a short amount of time. I only plan on making about 8 or 9 songs. I always struggled with making sounds on the computer but I think I finally got it down! I am excited. I just thought I'd share that. What? What is this inspired by you ask? The moon I say, the moon!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The List

Happy New Year everyone!!! Finally, 2008 is over and things are starting out better than ever. Amongst all of the lessons I've learned in 2008 I can honestly say I will not miss it. I've never been more happy to see a new year. Of course, we have a new president taking office which is great news! I've been doing a lot of changing on the outside of my life like painting my house with a brand new amazing coat. Treating people better, making plans for my future, you know, a new bright and shiny color. New Years resolutions are just as effective as you make them. There's no such thing as new years magic, or a new year super change everything button. Make plans...execute! I spent New Years Eve surrounded by the people who matter to me, people who I wouldn't mind spending the year with. It was awesome! I saw a lot of family and it reminded me of how many reasons there are for me to be happy. I know that this happiness thing gets repetitive in my posts but I'm sure of how easy it is for people to fall off the bandwagon just by one negative thought. Coming here should be a reminder for you to always choose happiness no matter what...because I mean why not?

If you haven't already written down your new years resolution, stop reading this post and go grab an unused notebook, piece of scrap paper, back of an envelope and write, write, write! Keep it some place where you will see it, or glance at it and I promise you that these things will manifest. I must admit that my list has gotten pretty ridiculous over the years, now to 210, but number 1. I've been writing it for two years and number 2. there are more things crossed off than not so...you tell me if it's effective. Hey it's up to you!

To totally go off topic:

I started watching 30 Rock today. It's hard for me to start watching a show and actually get into it but 30 Rock is hilarious! I got tired of people telling me how funny it is and saying I'm eventually going to watch it. I'm only still on the first season but I'm pretty deep in. If you haven't already watched you probably should! If you have netflix you can watch it instantly, it's worth it trust me!!

So, make your list and on that list put choose happiness, and watch 30 Rock!

Ciao for now!
